Small bets to achieve financial independence

Transforming blog visitors to subscribers

I’ve reached the next step in my online marketing learning journey. If you haven’t been following it, here’s a recap:

  • I spent time learning about my audience and ended up with 3 categories.
  • I learned more about Mailchimp. I learned about groups, tags, and segments.

Now the next step is growing the audience.

A lot of‘s blog visitors are one-time visitors. This means they find an article somewhere, end up on the blog, read the article and then quit. Occasionally, they may spend some time discovering other articles.

If I want to grow the blog, I need to convert these one-time visitors to recurring visitors. And the best way to do this is by getting their emails. This way, whenever I have something new to share, I can send an email to my audience. Of course, I don’t want to spam them. I will only send useful content depending on which category they belong.

Getting a visitor’s email is not easy. I tried adding pop-ups and subscription forms inside articles, but it’s not that effective. And that’s normal. As a visitor, why should I subscribe to a blog who offers free and public information anyway?

Unless you’re curious, chances are you’ll not subscribe. And from my perspective, I can’t rely on curiosity only. I need something that pushes my visitors to subscribe.

After reading some online marketing courses, the solution was simple: Offer something to subscribers only.

What you can offer depends on the blog and your audience. Examples are a cheat sheet, an e-book, a guide… You need to offer a value.

For audience, I know there are a lot of people interested in getting a remote job. I know this because I get multiple questions via email, LinkedIn, Twitter… So, I’ll be offering them an e-book to fix just that!

Get that remote job is a step-by-step e-book to get the remote job of your dreams. Focusing on building your skills, portfolio, and marketing yourself. Get it once ready from

If you’re curious about online marketing and entrepreneurship, consider following this blog 🙂

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Hey, I’m Ahmed, I write about productivity, business, and achieving financial independence. Get my future posts directly in your email:

2 responses to “Transforming blog visitors to subscribers”

  1. meriamk Avatar

    Great article as usual! I also believe in the power of email conversion, even if some people think it’s outdated. I’m an avid reader of newsletters for topics that I’m interested in.

    An idea for a blog or ebook is how to get a remote internship, I also got this question a few times!

    Keep up the good work Ahmed!

    1. Ahmed Avatar

      Thanks Meriam!

      The same for me as well. I use email for newsletters a lot.

      Good idea about the internship. I think the e-book can still be used in the case of an internship. I’ll see how the content develops and if I can get something specific to internships.

      Thank you for reading this 😍

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